If you’re already a nature lover, you’ll understand how spending time in nature brings a sense of calm to the body and mind. This is backed by a bunch of studies that reveal how good it is for your health and wellbeing.
From lowering your heart rate to helping you think more clearly, spending time outdoors can have lasting benefits on our health and wellbeing.
A 2019 University of Exeter study found that people spending just two hours a week in green spaces were more likely to report better health and well-being than those who don’t. In parts of Scotland, doctors are even prescribing outdoor time to help improve wellbeing of some patients!
Get outdoors to improve your wellbeing!

Lowering stress levels is another huge benefit of spending time in nature.
Whether you opt for a jaunt to your local park, woods, garden centre, or beach, it seems that any amount of time spent in the natural environment can help make you healthier and happier (no wonder Craigies owner John is always so content)!
A series of studies from Japan looking at ‘forest bathing’ also found that spending time in nature can boost your immune system. With so many bugs and viruses going around, we could all do with getting out of the house a bit more. We find that ‘farm bathing’ seems to also do the trick… just ask John!
In addition to helping us stay healthy, getting out in nature can also help improve your mood – explaining why the Craigies team are always so cheery! Next time you take a stroll through your local park or woods, embrace being in nature and soak up the benefits.
How to spend more time in nature

Now you know the benefits, here are some hints and tips for getting that much-needed escape in nature…
Take a breather – The hustle and bustle of life can make us forget to grab those moments of peace and quiet. If you only have a few minutes to spare, consider going for a short walk around the block or eating outdoors (if the weather allows!). While not everyone lives on the edge of a woodland, sometimes standing on the doorstep looking out onto your garden, or even peering out the window with your morning coffee, offers a mindful pause and can reduce stress in your day!
Visit nearby nature sites – Most urban areas have public parks or gardens nearby that you can explore for walks, picnics, family strolls, and more. You could even nip up to Edinburgh’s family-favourite Craigies Farm for a walk around the farm, enjoying stunning views across the sprawling countryside. Explore our Nature Trail with the kids or even spend a little time with some farm animals!
Plan a dedicated nature adventure/trip – if you want some extended time outdoors experiencing Scotland’s world-famous natural beauty, why not plan a trip away? This way you can cycle, camp, fish, star-gaze, canoe, and more to your heart’s content. A staycation can often be less stressful than an overseas holiday, not to mention being easier on the wallet!
There you have it – who knew there were so many benefits of spending time in nature! If you and your family want to visit Craigies Farm for some extra nature time then please visit this link to find out more.